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Monday, August 24, 2020
Planning Definition Essay Example for Free
Arranging Definition Essay Preparing and chalking out future game-plans to be followed. It is a preliminary advance. It is a methodical action which decides when, how and who will play out a particular activity. Arranging is a nitty gritty program with respect to future approaches. It is properly said â€Å"Well plan is half done†. In this way arranging mulls over accessible planned human and physical assets of the association in order to get compelling co-appointment, commitment impeccable change. It is the essential administration work which incorporates definition of at least one point by point intends to accomplish ideal equalization of necessities or requests with the accessible resources.According to Urwick, â€Å"Planning is a psychological inclination to get things done in systematic manner, to think before acting and to act in the light of realities as opposed to guesses†. Arranging is choosing best option among others to perform diverse administrative capacities so as to accomplish foreordained goals.| According to Koontz O’Donell, â€Å"Planning is choosing ahead of time what to do, how to do and who is to do it. Arranging overcomes any issues between where we are to, where we need to go. It makes potential things to happen which would not in any case occur†. Steps in Planning Function Foundation of destinations Foundation of Planning Premises Decision of elective game-plan Detailing of subsidiary plans Making sure about Co-activity Development/Appraisal of plans Arranging Importance in Management Arranging might be comprehensively characterized as an idea of official activity that typifies the expertise of envisioning, affecting, and controlling the nature and heading of progress. McFarland Importance of Planning Arranging builds the associations capacity to adjust to future consequences Arranging solidifies targets Arranging guarantees a relatedness among choices Arranging encourages the organization to stay progressively serious in its industry Sufficient arranging decreases pointless weights of promptness Arranging decreases errors and oversights: Arranging guarantees a progressively beneficial utilization of the associations assets Planning makes control simpler Arranging empowers the recognizable proof of future issues and makes it conceivable to accommodate such possibilities Planning empowers the ID of future issues and makes it conceivable to accommodate such possibilities Planning expands the viability of a director 2.Evolution of Classical Approach to Management Conventional procedure of learning is either through obsevation and examination. Nature or condition is viewed as uniform and when we watch certain marvel or occasions consistently prompting a similar outcome or results, we close a circumstances and logical results connection between the two. This is learning by perception or at the end of the day by experience. Prior scholars on the executives followed this methodology in creating speculations of the executives. Adapting essentially is through emphirical process and through examination of the information gathered through perception. Draw the standards of managment by taking a gander at and anyalysing the employments that all administrators generally do. This methodology filled in as a beginning stage for pioneers on the executives science to confirm the legitimacy and improve the materialness of the standards and practices of the board. Investigation of observd information is the thing that comprise a contextual analysis. The observational strategy for contextual investigation helps coming to intelligent end results about past understanding and to test equivalent to measures for future occasions. The German sociolists, Max Weber followed the old style approach and built up his hypothesis of Bureaucracy, which depicts the structure anddesign of association charqacterised by a progression of power, formalized guidelines and guidelines that serve to direct the planned working of an association. Essential Postulates of the Classical Approach by Max Weber 1. The board of an association is considered as a chain of between related capacities. The investigation of the degree and highlights of these capacities, the grouping through which these are performed and their between relationship drives one to draw standards of the executives reasonable for widespread application 2. Learning standards of the board is done through the past encounters of genuine rehearsing administrators 3. As business condition comprises of uniform cycles displaying a fundamental solidarity of real factors, capacities and standards of the board determined through procedure of exact thinking are reasonable for general application 4. Rising new chiefs through conventional instruction and contextual investigation can create expertise and competency in the board ideas and practices 5. The clasasical approach likewise perceived the significance of monetary productivity and formal hierarchical structure as directing mainstays of the board effectigveness. 6. Business move ment depends on financial advantage. Associations ought to hence control financial motivating forces Neoclassical hypothesis of the board There are 3 neoclassical hypotheses: Human Relations hypothesis : Clarifies the cutting edge progression of Human Relations Management hypothesis which considers human elements like the business representative relationship. Human relations hypothesis is generally observed to have been conceived because of the Hawthorne tests which Elton Mayo directed at the Western Electrical Company. The significant strand in the improvement of current administration was the expansion in consideration regarding the human variables, which has gotten known as the human relations school of management.’ The center part of Human Relations Theory is that, when laborers were being watched and remembered for the exploration, they felt progressively significant and esteemed by the organization. Subsequently, their profitability levels went up fundamentally. This spoke to a noteworthy takeoff from a significant number of the old style hypotheses, especially Fordism, as it conflicted with the idea that administration expected to control laborers, and evacuate their independence at each progression. Rather, it demonstrated that by drawing in with laborers and thinking about their necessities and requirements, company’s could profit by expanded efficiency. Conduct hypothesis : The conduct the executives hypothesis is regularly called the human relations development since it tends to the human element of work. Social scholars accepted that a superior comprehension of human conduct at work, for example, inspiration, strife, desires, and gathering elements, improved efficiency. The scholars who added to this school saw representatives as people, assets, and resources for be created and worked with †not as machines, as previously. A few people and analyses added to this hypothesis. Social frameworks hypothesis.: Created by Niklas Luhmann is a possibility for the hypothetical establishment of Human Resource Management (HRM). In the wake of explaining the benefits of utilizing a fabulous (social) hypothesis as the essential hypothetical point of view, the foundations of this social frameworks hypothesis the deterministic perspective on frameworks as machines, the open frameworks approach and non-direct frameworks hypothesis are tended to. In light of the perspective on social frameworks as autopoietically shut frameworks, five significant commitments to a hypothetical establishment of HRM are recognized: (1) the conceptualisation of arranging and overseeing HR as social procedures, along these lines conquering an individualistic point; (2) the new significance of people as fundamental component in the frameworks condition; (3) the abstention structure sweeping or exceptionally unreasonable suppositions about the idea of people; (4) the cooperation between different levels and units of investig ation incorporated with the hypothesis which is basic for far reaching and top to bottom examinations of HR wonders and (5) the receptiveness for extra speculations for which social frameworks hypothesis gives the general system. Present day Management Theory The executives is either structure has existed in each niche and corner of the world since the beginning of human progress. Present day Management has developed with the development of social-financial matters and logical establishment. Present day see comprises that a laborer doesn't work for just cash. They work for their fulfillment and joy with great living style. Here Non-budgetary honor is most significant factor. Present day the board hypotheses began after 1950s. Current administration hypothesis centers the improvement of each factor of laborers and association. Present day the executives hypothesis alludes to stressing the utilization of methodical scientific procedures in the framework with examining and comprehension the between relationship of the board and laborers in all angle. It has following three Streams- Quantitative Approach Framework Approach Possibility Approach Quantitative Approach: Quantitative methodology additionally called Operation Research. Quantitative methodology is a logical technique. It underscores the utilization of measurable model and precise numerical strategies to taking care of complex administration issues. Its encourages the administration to settling on choices in activities. It can just propose the choices dependent on factual information. It can't take official choice. It helps the administration for improving their dynamic by expanding the quantity of choices and giving quicker choices on any issue. The executives can without much of a stretch compute the hazard and advantage of different activities. Significant supporters in Quantitative Approach are- Johan MacDonald George R. Terry Andrew Szilagyi Framework approach: Framework approach was created inlate1960s. Herbert A. Simon is the dad of framework hypothesis. A System is characterized as a lot of routinely cooperating or bury subordinate parts that make in general unit. The framework idea empowers us to see the basic factors and limitations and their connections with each other. As per Cleland and King; â€Å" A framework is made out of related and ward components which when in collaboration from a solidarity whole†. Attributes of framework approach: A framework must hav
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The American Renaissance Is A Time That American Writers Received More
The American Renaissance is a period that American authors got more acknowledgment with regards to the nature of their works. Before this time researchers viewed crafted by the craftsman and authors in America were viewed as auxiliary to the over the Atlantic. The writer Gustave de Beaumont cautioned Europeans not to ?search for verse, writing, or expressive arts in this nation'. (McQuade et al pg. 462) When one of the owners of the North American Review previously read youthful William Cullen Bryant's clear refrain, Wordsworthian Thanatopsis (1817), a sonnet in this manner hailed as the best yet written in America, he expected the writer was British: ?No one on this side of the Atlantic is fit for composing such section'. (462) The American Renaissance is likewise a period of Transcendentalism. Introspective philosophy is a type of depending on one own instinct and cognizant. The American Renaissance is a period confined by two significant occasions, the Panic of 1837 and the Civil War. The American Renaissance additionally observed the ascent in authority from the woodlands lawmakers Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. Ascends in the recognition between social classes start in this period. At this point little gatherings of white collar class residents had been shaped. The American Renaissance is the hour of the gold rush and the completion of subjection. The American Renaissance is a significant time in American history when we get a portion of our most prominent artistic commitments to the world. Abraham Lincoln was conceived on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. He grew up under the control of his dad Thomas Lincoln and his mom Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Abe's mom passed on when he was nine years of age. He started to go to Andrew Crawford school at this age. He knew his letters in order and could peruse a little however with trouble. Lincoln went to class now and again however read as he grew up. The Bible was Lincoln's primary wellspring of perusing, yet Abe would acquire books from neighbors every now and then. In 1837 Lincoln turned into a legal advisor and 1849 he was chosen to congress. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was chosen the sixteenth leader of United States, and in 1864 kept in touch with probably the best work; he composed his Second Inaugural Address. His Second Inaugural Address has a twofold reason: to remark upon the all the more striking occasions of the pending disaster and to divine their significance in the light of religion. (Robinson 344). In the initial segment of t he Second Inaugural Lincoln gives a review of the war. Lincoln quickly gives the thought processes and desires for the two sides. (p. 344) On the event relating to this four years prior. All contemplations were tensely coordinated to a looming common war . . . The two gatherings belittled war; however one of them would make war as opposed to allow the country to endure; and the other would acknowledge war instead of let it die. Also, the war came. (Lincoln Second Inaugural Address). In the second piece of the Address, Lincoln takes note of the measure of slaves in the Union in 1861 and he takes note of that the slaves are in the Southern piece of the Union. (Slagell p.155). Lincoln additionally communicates his faith in bondage being the reason for the Civil War. Overall, the section communicates the incongruity of a war that has both gone past and missed the mark regarding the desires for the two sides. (p. 160) In the third piece of the Address Lincoln gives directions for the fut ure dependent on the expectation that the country likewise has been transformed by the war. With vindictiveness toward none; with foundation for all; with immovability morally justified, . . . let us endeavor on to complete the work we are in; to tie up the country's injuries; to think about him who will have borne the fight, and for his widow, and his orphan?to do all which may accomplish and value a fair, and an enduring harmony, among ourselves, and with all countries. (Lincoln) The obligations that Lincoln spreads out are in finishing the current work, mending the country, thinking about people, and setting up an equitable and enduring harmony (Slagell p.167) After conveying the Second Inaugural, a few men censured Lincoln for not concentrating on explicit military subtleties. Lincoln
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Hale, Nathan
Hale, Nathan Hale, Nathan, 1755â€"76, American soldier, hero of the American Revolution, b. Coventry, Conn. A young schoolteacher when the Revolution broke out, he was commissioned an officer in the Connecticut militia, served in the siege of Boston, then went to take part in operations in New York. He volunteered for the dangerous mission of getting information about the British forces on Long Island, where he went in the natural disguise of a schoolmaster. Inexperienced, he revealed his mission to a former British officer, was captured, and was hanged without trial. He is remembered especially for the statement he is said to have uttered on the gallows, I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. See biography by H. P. Johnston (1914); M. Pennypacker, General Washington's Spies on Long Island and in New York (1939). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U. S. History: Biographies
Friday, May 22, 2020
What Are the Parts of a Short Story (How to Write Them)
Short stories have a relatively broad range of lengths, between 1,000 and 7,500 words. If you are writing for a class or publication, your teacher or editor might give you specific page requirements. If you double space, 1000 words in 12-point font cover between three and four pages. However, it is important not to limit yourself to any page limits or goals in the initial drafts. You should write until you get the basic outline of your story intact and then you can always go back and adjust the story to fit any set length requirements you have. The toughest part of writing short fiction is condensing all the same elements necessary for a full-length novel into a smaller space. You still need to define a plot, character development, tension, climax, and falling action. Point of View One of the first things you want to think about is what point of view would work best for your story. If your story centers on one characters journey, the first person will allow you to show the main characters thoughts and feelings without having to spend too much time demonstrating them through action. The third person, the most common, can allow you to tell the story as an outsider. A third person omniscient point of view gives the writer access to the knowledge of all the characters thoughts and motives, time, events, and experiences. Third person limited has full knowledge of only one character and any events tied to him. Setting The opening paragraphs of a short story should quickly depict the setting of the story. The reader should know when and where the story is taking place. Is it present day? The future? What time of year is it? The social setting is also essential to determine. Are the characters all wealthy? Are they all women? When describing the setting, think of the opening of a movie. The opening scenes often span across a city or countryside then focus in on a point involving the first scenes of action. You could also this same descriptive tactic. For example, if your story begins with a person standing in a large crowd, describe the area, then the crowd, maybe the weather, the atmosphere (excited, scary, tense) and then bring the focus into the individual. Conflict Once you develop the setting, you must introduce the conflict or the rising action. The conflict is the problem or challenge that the main character faces. The issue itself is important, but the tension created is what creates reader involvement. The tension in a story is one of the most important aspects; its what keeps the reader interested and wanting to know what will happen next. To write, Joe had to decide whether to go on his business trip or stay home for his wifes birthday, lets the reader know there is a choice with consequences but does not elicit much reader reaction. To create tension you could describe the internal struggle Joe is having, maybe hell lose his job if he doesnt go, but his wife is looking forward to spending time with him on this particular birthday. Write the tension that Joe is experiencing in his head. Climax Next should come to the climax of the story. This will be the turning point where a decision is made, or change occurs. The reader should know the outcome of the conflict and understand all the events leading up to the climax. Be sure to time your climax so that it doesnt happen too late or too soon. If done too soon, the reader will either not recognize it as the climax or expect another twist. If done too late the reader might get bored before it happens. The last part of your story should resolve any questions left after the climactic events take place. This could be an opportunity to see where the characters end up sometime after the turning point or how they deal with the changes that have occurred in and around themselves. Once you get your story drafted into a semi-final form, try letting a peer read it and give you some feedback. You will most likely find that you became so involved in your story that you omitted some details. Dont be afraid to take a little creative criticism. It will only make your work stronger.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Christian Speculation about the End of Times - 1807 Words
Religions do not only relate to the past but also to the future: beliefs about resurrection or further rebirths, hopes of a better future, or even fears of apocalyptic tribulations. In this essay, various religious ‘futures’ will be investigated: the evolution towards spiritual individualism and consumerism, the success of yoga and the Christian speculations about the end of times. It will be easily demonstrated that each of these ‘futures’ is highly controversial – but are they controversial primarily because of the way in which they reinterpret the past? The essay will argue that the reinterpretation of the past should better seen as a legitimating force rather than the primary cause of the controversy. Sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) described religion as ‘a unified system of beliefs and practices (†¦) which unite into one single moral community called a Church’: for him, ‘the idea of religion is inseparable from that of the Church’ (Durkheim cited in Harvey, 2013, p. 8). This definition fits well with established religion in the past – a strong cohesive force within society, bounding its members together, most often centralised and institutionalised (as the Roman Catholic Church). By contrast, in our modern society, individual choices tend to be prevalent in religious matters, allowing people to freely shift their religious affiliation or even build up their own spirituality – a trend sometimes labelled ‘the privatisation of religion’. People are increasinglyShow MoreRelatedChristian Allegory in Beowulf1027 Words  | 4 Pagesback into a time long past; one of family, fate, and fealty. Beowulf offers a glimpse of a society struggling between two different paths, one path being the assimilation into the new Christian traditions and the other is the fast fading past of glorified warriors and family ties. In the poem, the reader can see the attempts of the poet to convey the values and stories of Judeo-Christianity in a society of Anglo-Saxon paganism. The poet illustrates the infiltration of the Christian teachings andRead MoreOld Testament Apocalyptic By Daniel. Daniel1176 Words  | 5 Pageswere crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth(2:34-35). Daniel s interpretation was the foretelling of future kingdoms and empires starting with the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Since Daniel s dream interpretation was part of a narrative from the time of Nebuchadnezzar s (Da.2)Read MoreTh e Book Of Hebrews Has Long Left Readers With Various Unanswered Questions1553 Words  | 7 Pageson how the book came into being. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impacts of Energy Consumption Free Essays
The Impacts of Energy Consumption Coming home from a long day at school, I tell myself, â€Å"Damn, I’m tired! †On top of that, it’s blazing hot outside, so I set my thermostat to the lowest possible temperature so that my apartment can cool down quickly. After I adjust the temperature, I go to the bathroom and then leave the lights on from laziness. Finally, I turn on the television to watch something until I fall fast asleep. We will write a custom essay sample on Impacts of Energy Consumption or any similar topic only for you Order Now The end of the month comes along and I walk to my mailbox to check for any bills and next thing you know I have a staggering bill from Georgia Power! It’s nothing that I should be surprised about because I have ridiculous habits when it comes to leaving things on and setting my thermostat. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person with an energy-consuming problem. I know that millions of people do the same things I do. Reducing my energy consumption is a challenge that I want to take on to better myself and the environment, which is a change for the good that i have great interest in. I looked at my energy bill for the past month and I did some calculations money wise. When looked over some energy facts on the Energy Star site, it made me realize something. According to Energy Star, the government agency that helps us all save money on energy and protect the environment at the same time, the air conditioning unit consists of approximately 50% of your monthly electric bill (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). Last month, my bill came up to $70. 71, which is high for me because I don’t really run anything in my apartment but T. V, lights, internet, and my laptop. I barely use my stove or microwave because I’m one of those college students who eats out all the time because I can’t cook. Half of $70 is $35. On top of that, the unit can possibly use more than fifty percent if you don’t maintain it properly. Sealing and insulating ducts can improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system by as much as 20 percent – and sometimes much more (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). That being said, it would use less energy and cost less. Energy Star also says that leaving things plugged in even when they are not using it, can consume energy. It does indeed show a difference if you practice leaving things that you don’t use unplugged (â€Å"Save Energy at Home†). It saved me around 50 kWh which doesn’t seem like much but it’s something. Next, since an HVAC unit can possibly take over your energy costs, we should all know how to reduce our consumption when it comes to the HVAC unit itself. Installing a programmable thermostat can help your HVAC system become more energy efficient (â€Å"Energy Saving Tips†). I was reading a article from the ConsumerMan section of MSNBC and came across an article stating that installing a programmable thermostat can cut your energy costs by 20% (Weisbaum). These systems that we cherish so much can also be sources of emission into the environment we inhabit. It is said that HVAC systems can be contaminant emission sources (Batterman). Have you ever left some food laying around and come to realize that it starting growing mold? The EPA conducted a few studies that shown that the HVAC systems are the causes of biological growth, and moisture of which molds use to multiply and grow (Batterman). Therefore, it would probably be a good idea to use programmable thermostats to lower costs and emissions into the indoor environment. These thermostats can minimize the emissions when we are not at home or sleep. Aside from the costs of using the infamous HVAC units that we all cherish so much, the environmental changes is something that goes on unnoticed to people including myself. I think that it’s something that we should consider because of a number of reasons. Energy generation impacts our environment in a way that we don’t see. Most of the energy that we use is produced by power plants that use non-renewable resources such as natural gas, oil, and coil, all of which are considered as fossil fuels. â€Å"Fossil Fuels†) Fossil Fuels account for 83% of the Unites States energy consumption (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). All of these fuels can release harmful things like carbon dioxide, which is a dangerous greenhouse gas (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by agricultural practices and by the burning of fossil fuels (Michaels 5). According to many people and scientists, they believe that this is what may be causing global warming. Another energy generating method is Nuclear power plants. This, in my opinion, is the most harmful way to produce energy. When nuclear plants are producing energy, they are rapidly changing the temperature, which also increases evaporation. This then increases rainfall, which can affect agriculture with a lack of good soil (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). The environmental concern of nuclear energy production comes from the disposal of nuclear waste. Spillage and leakage of nuclear radiation into the environment can cause people to develop cancer if they inhale these gases (â€Å"Fossil Fuels†). That being said, I feel as if when I use too much energy at home and in other places, I cause the releases of these harmful gases my elf. Environmental Impact of Power Generation explains that 39% percent of the energy generated today is used to make more energy (Hester 15). So this book argues that consumption is, in fact, an important factor of a consumer’s environmental footprint. All forms of electric generation can have some type of environmental impact in the world (Hester 17). For example, hydr oelectric power plants may not have any impact on the air, but to construct these dams can significantly affect our natural river systems as well as the wildlife that inhabits these rivers (Wittwers 25). What about coal? When coal is used to generate power, things like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere (Rowland 35). The Environmental Protection Agency requires that the burners of these particular plants have control devices aimed at reducing the amount of emissions that are released. I looked up carbon dioxide in the dictionary just to have an idea of why exactly is it related to global warming. It is said that it is a greenhouse gas that affects the earth’s radiated balance, which also means that it is directly related to global warming. Another way to think about the greenhouse effect is to consider that according to physics the radiation we receive from the Sun must be equally balanced by the heat Earth radiates out to space. If we were to give back less energy than we receive, our planet would soon be too hot for life. †(â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect†) According to the research that I conducted, it is like a chain reaction. We use too much energy at home, the power plants produce more energy for our high demands, and next thing you know we humans are causing global warming. For the past couple of months, I have been getting significantly high electricity bills and I wanted to know exactly what it is that i have been doing to get such high bills when the only things i constantly run in my two bedroom apartment is: one television, a wireless router, a MacBook, and of-course, my HVAC unit. I learned that the problems are exactly what I just said, â€Å"I constantly run. †Not only that, according to online source, your HVAC unit consumes the most electricity in any household that contains one. I decided to do a project to see what I can do to help lower my energy costs as well as have a lesser impact on the environment. I looked over my Georgia Power bill and I apparently consumed 532 kWh costing me $70. 71, and 640 kWh the month before costing me a whopping $82. 69. That’s a lot for one person with only a TV and a computer running. So my goal was to lower those numbers as much as i can by the next billing cycle. Throughout all the research that was conducted, I decided to do exactly what my sources suggested. I set my thermostat to 77 degrees and left it there. I unplugged all of my electrical devices that were not in use and only plugged them in when I was ready to use them. The next billing cycle was up and I got my bill. For the cycle of March- April, I consumed a nice minimum of 364 kWh costing me only a small $52. 55 for that billing cycle. I was excited because my research project had turned out to be a success. Since the last bill, I saved 168 kWh. That was almost gave me $20 dollars in savings. In conclusion, I honestly feel guilty. Before all of this, I left my light on when I wasn’t using them, left my television on when I wasn’t watching it, and I even leave my office active when I wasn’t in my office. When I say active, I mean my printer stays on at all times as well my desktop and monitor. I just never turn off my computer. It almost seems as if I’m harming the environment with my bad habits especially because I have a habit of leaving on my air conditioning because I either like my apartment freezing cold or blazing hot, depending on the weather and how I feel. The sources that I have introduced have plenty of reasons why people should strive to reduce our energy consumption so we can less impact the environment, ozone layer, and our utility bills. For one, I now feel better about knowing that I’m are contributing to a change that is bettering the environment and I’m even happier with myself knowing that I cut my electric costs by a percentage. Nowadays, I plug out everything electrical when I go to class and I now normally cut off my HVAC unit a majority of the day to reduce the humidity in my apartment, which contributes to mold and mildew. Works Cited Batterman, Stuart. HVAC Systems as Emission Sources. Washington: U. S Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Print. â€Å"Energy Saving Tips. Efficiency Smart. Energy Star. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power. †Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Fossil Fuels. †Institute for Energy Research. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Rowland, R. H. , K. E. Gould, and E. McDonald. Environmental Impacts of Dispersed and Concentrated Siting of Coal-fired Power Plants. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute, 1984. 35. Print. â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect. †Earthguide: Educational Resources in Earth, Marine, Environmental and Planetary Sciences. University of California. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Michaels, Patrick J. , and Robert C. Balling. The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air about Global Warming. Washington, D. C. : Cato Institute, 2000. Print. â€Å"Save Energy at Home. †Saving Energy At Home. Energy Star, 03 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . Weisbaum, Herb. â€Å"Will Programmable Thermostat save Me Money? †Msnbc. com. Msnbc Digital Network, 26 Sept. 2007. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Wittwer, S. H. Food, Climate, and Carbon Dioxide: The Global Environment and World Food Production. Boca Raton: Lewis, 1995. 25-26. Print. How to cite Impacts of Energy Consumption, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Womens Studies 210 Essays - Prejudices, Hatred, Masculinity
Women's Studies 210 Analytic Response #2 Domestic violence and sexual assault are two difficult things to define. I define domestic violence as any unwanted physical contact from a significant other. Significant other being boyfriend, girlfriend, sexual partner, or spouse. I define sexual assault as any unwanted sexual contact. This could be rape or it could be an uninvited touch. The article "Domestic Violence: What's Love Got to do With It?" is a personal account of one incident of domestic violence that changed the author's life. She won't even give her full name because of her fear. She points out in the article her feeling of disbelief as her significant other, she refers to him as X, slammed her head on the concrete. She also points out how the police were very unhelpful and uncompassionate to her. The officer did not take into account that she was stunned and confused as well as physically injured from the incident. He asked her questions in an angry tone of voice and even threatened to arrest her for disorderly conduct. After the incident her life was not the same. Her jaw became dislocated, she tried to press charges but they were reduced because she did not press them on the scene, and she could not even sit through a movie with her friend. Her friends don't believe the incident is as serious as it is, and X is spreading rumors about her. It seems th at everyone is on his side. She admits that she is afraid of men. Basically, this article shows how a single incident of domestic violence can ruin someone's life. The article "Men Changing Men" highlights the Oakland Men's Project, a group dedicated to stopping male violence, racism, and homophobia. Racism is the belief, attitude, action, or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of their race. Homophobia is the irrational fear of and hostility toward gay men, lesbians, or bisexuals. The group tries to show how society's definition of masculinity leads men to violence. Masculinity is the set of cultural values, psychological attributes, and social activities that a society has defined as normative for men. One of the activities that they do is show an encounter between an angry father and his son to schoolchildren. When they asked the boys what they learned from the encounter, the reply was " a man is tough, a man is in control, a man doesn't cry." These phrases are part of society's definition of masculinity. They point out to the boys that it is very dangerous to live that way. The OMP also does another exercise. They ask a group of men various questions that fit society's definition of masculinity, such as "Have you ever been called a wimp?" or "Have you ever made a comment in public about a woman's body?" This gives men a chance to look at how dangerous society's definition of masculinity really is. There is a connection between this type of violence and sexism. Sexism is the belief, attitude, action, or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of their sex. As pointed out in the article, the belief that one sex is subordinate to the other allows for violence against the subordinate sex. Excuses such as violence against women is natural are used to justify the violence. Sexism must be eradicated in order to stop male violence. The relationship between homophobia and violence is similar to the connection between violence and sexism. As I pointed out earlier, homophobia is the irrational fear of and hostility toward gay men, lesbians, or bisexuals. Words like "gay" and "queer" get very hostile reactions from homophobic men. This irrational hostility can lead to violence because that's one of the ways men are taught to respond, as pointed out in the article. Our current construction of masculinity impacts these connections. The exercise with the young boys shows that males are taught masculinity at a very young age. Their responses, "Men are in control, Men don't cry", impact the way these boys live. Men are taught to hide emotions and only show anger. It should be no surprise that they sometimes act violently.
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